Melissa and I are now shifting gears from spring to summer, with new routines of outdoor walks…
…travel plans for a California summer…
…and some new goals for some incredible resources that we’ve been wanting to create that are finally coming to life.
I hope your summer is filled with fun plans and a new perspective of opportunity and possibility as we’re going into a new season.
We have an announcement… possibly an invitation…
…but only for a small group of people that have been in our world and know what Melissa and I are all about.
I’ll explain more in a bit.
And if this isn’t for you, no problem and we wish you a wonderful summer!
This email will take you 5 minutes to read.
Over the past years I’ve seen a lot of things in the online marketing space.
Well really, much before that since I started my real estate business back in 1992.
(I’ve been self-employed my entire life. I’ve seen a lot, lol!)
Over those years as a national trainer for Century 21 coaching thousands of entrepreneurs about branding, marketing, and sales presentations…
And now our community of online business owners all about marketing…
I’ve seen every challenge.
I’ve heard every question.
It comes down to properly presenting your offer to get more sales.
We’ve created the Adaptive Marketing Program to help with this.
I know you’re familiar with this because at some point in the past we’ve worked with you.
BUT. I know at some point you weren’t able to continue for some reason.
Maybe you had a lot going on in your life and were unable to take advantage of all the support we provided with copywriting, marketing, and getting new clients.
Maybe it wasn’t the right time…and I know timing can play a big role in decision making.
But here’s the thing:
I know you just want to get things done in your business.
You want a strategic and customized marketing plan that fits into your business and life.
You want a predictable method to bring more sales of the right people, over and over again.
One phenomenon we’ve seen in the Adaptive Marketing Program is that members get better results.
Not only because they learn so much from other people’s questions…
…but they get support…
…detailed answers and strategies that can be implemented right away.
Melissa and I know that it’s not like that in every group program.
We choose to go deeper with fewer people and give detailed step by step strategies that aren't watered down.
Well, now here’s the news I wanted to share with you.
We want you back.
And I’m going to share a couple things that you might not know about Adaptive Marketing Program…
…some MAJOR changes that may perk your ears up a bit and help you consider coming back.
A lot has changed since you last were in the Adaptive Marketing Program.
I’m going to outline the details here:
1. We’ve limited our group coaching programs to 100 people total.
When Melissa and I first came up with the concept of our small group coaching program (originally called Dream 100) we had a vision of working with only 100 people to guide and help them get results with their marketing and sales plan.
Our initial program evolved to our Inner Circle and then because we wanted to serve more people at a more specialized level with copywriting, digital marketing, and tech, we created Adaptive Marketing Program.
So we’ve had 2 group coaching programs: Adaptive Marketing Program and Adaptive Inner Circle.
This year, with Melissa and I going into a travel full time lifestyle, we’ve made some big changes with our business plan…
…and are circling back to our original vision of working with only 100 people.
We truly want to go deeper with fewer.
It’s an odd concept for some of our peers to understand.
In fact we’ve been criticized and challenged to scale and “go bigger”.
That’s not what Melissa and I are all about.
We really love the intimacy of our communities and getting to know everyone we work with, not just their businesses but their other interests and passions.
Which is why this year we’ve decided to go back to working with only 100 people total between BOTH of our group coaching programs.
So with this invitation back into Adaptive Marketing Program, just know there is a true limit.
We won’t go over 100 people between both programs and at this time we only have 17 seats available.
This is an exclusive community that isn’t like other programs in the online marketing space that are based on volume.
You won’t be stuck on a Zoom call hoping that your question will be answered…
…or put into a drawing for an opportunity to share your problem in a hot seat that might not even happen.
Every question you have about your marketing plan gets answered inside of Adaptive Marketing Program…
…and not just some surface level answer either. You’ll get the real deal.
2. We’ve added Marketing Strategy Calls with Melissa.
Over the past couple of years, Melissa has been working behind the scenes of our business with building funnels, managing the team, and running all the details of our business.
Because she wears so many hats in our business, she took herself off the schedule for coaching calls.
And now that many of our systems are built out and we’re focused on a constant rhythm in our business, her bandwidth has loosened up a bit.
This year, she made the decision to come back into Adaptive Marketing Program twice a week for Marketing Strategy and Accountability Coaching Calls.
These calls have been a popular place for our members to ask any marketing questions having to do with the integrator side of our business.
I asked Melissa to give me a list of some of the topics that were just discussed this week on her calls and this is what she told me:
“This week I had conversations about how to create a course in a short amount of time to test content and start generating money. I had another member talk to me about setting up their one on one coaching packages and how to structure a promotion around this. Another member had me walk through how I build out a funnel from an opt in, to a one time offer on the thank you page, a bump offer to increase the value of the cart, and then upsells. Another member had me walk through what types of emails I send out during open cart, so I walked through the different types of sales emails that go out that week. And this was just this week!”
These calls are super valuable to our members and I know Melissa is having a blast coaching twice a week inside of Adaptive Marketing Program.
3. We have new Coaches including AI & Social Media Coaches.
As you know we have a number of different types of coaches in the Adaptive Marketing Program.
Originally we started with our team of copywriters to help members with their messaging for opt-in pages, sales pages, and ads.
They continue to help in these areas, along with weekly reviews of copy and writing an ad each month for members.
We’ve seen dramatic improvement of member’s conversions thanks to their guidance!
We also have our team of digital marketers and tech coaches.
These coaches help more specifically with Facebook, Google, and YouTube Ads, SEO, and funnels and automations.
There are very active conversations happening right now in the community about the results members are getting with their ads and making more informed decisions with their ad spend.
In addition to these calls, we’ve added a couple other coaches to the team.
One of them being our Social Media Coach to talk specifically about organic social media strategy.
She’s been sharing her strategies with posting and scheduling organic social media strategically to get more engagement.
She’s also helping members with their questions about short form video and Linked in.
We’ve also added an AI Coach to the team for a monthly call.
His calls have been game changing for members!
He’s been sharing so many new AI tools and prompts to make marketing more streamlined and get results faster.
Just last month he shared a series of prompts to help our members create their brand vision statement that they can use in their marketing to attract more of the right clients.
Getting the copy for this only took a couple minutes with his step by step instructions and prompts!
We have the most amazing team at Adaptive Marketing Program that are experts at what they do and are invested in helping our members make progress and get successful results!
4. We’ve added new Resources and courses with live support based on our members’ needs.
Because we limit our programs to 100 people total, we’re able to have a deep understanding of what kind of help our members really need.
So we’ve been working diligently to make sure we fill in the gaps in their business with additional resources, courses, and tools that make sense.
We created a new resource, the Adaptive Marketer Dashboard which is unlike any traditional, linear success path or business track.
It allows you to self access where you’re at in your business journey…
…and then based on that we’ve organized a number of resources to help you fill the gaps of the missing pieces.
As you work through the Dashboard, you can attend weekly Office Hours (remember we have these 5 days a week) to ask specific questions.
We also are going to host quarterly Strategic Planning Sessions with Melissa to go through our Dashboards together and make an intentional, customized game plan that makes sense for your business, and more importantly, your life!
We also just added a step by step SEO course for members wanting to dive into these tactics.
This came about after some requests from our members who are working on their SEO and wanted more in depth instructions.
What’s great is you can watch the course and then bring your questions to our Digital Marketing Coaches.
Each quarter, Melissa and I launch a course to the public and our members have the option to attend the live support sessions for these as well.
This year our members have gotten support with our Ads Quickstart Program to help them set up their Ads Manager to get their ads working for them, our Friend Funnel program to teach you how to advertise from your personal profile and create more engagement on your social media, and our High Converting Challenges Course to learn how to launch your offer through Challenges.
We’ve got our Adaptive Facebook Ads Course scheduled as well as a BRAND NEW Webinar Course coming this summer that our members will not only get access to the course material but the live support.
We’re really excited about these 2 upcoming courses and other ones to come!
We really believe in giving our Adaptive Marketing Program members support and not charging anything additional for these resources…
…it’s included as an active member.
As you can see…we’ve been busy in the Adaptive Marketing Program and a lot has changed since you were last here.
Which is why we decided to extend a private invitation to you…
We want you back!
We’ve decided to extend a private invitation to you to return to Adaptive Marketing Membership at your previous rate.
Keep in mind, for new members to the program, the investment will be much higher when we open the doors publicly.
But for you, we’ll grandfather you in at your previous rate, not only giving you incredible savings, but access to our entire marketing team who have your back to help you excel in your business.
Plus, we’re pretty proud of the culture of our Adaptive Marketing Community, one that’s non-judgmental, kind, and helpful, no matter what stage you’re at in your business.
And remember…we’re limiting both of our coaching programs to only 100 people and currently we only have 17 spots available.
Melissa and I are super excited about creating this opportunity for you and welcoming you back to the community.
Through Adaptive Marketing Program…you’ll accomplish major growth and improvement on your sales process and even change how you think, believe, and act when it comes to marketing and sales.
So what are the next steps?
If you’re interested, simply hit reply and we’ll send you a private link to set your membership up at the previous rate you invested in before.
Once you’ve signed up, we’ll set up a private onboarding call with Melissa to help get you back up to speed within the program and also give us a better understanding of how we can best support you and your goals.
We can’t wait to welcome you back to the Adaptive Marketing family!
Wishing you so much success!
PS- If you have any additional questions about this invitation, just hit reply and we’ll be happy to help.
We would love to see you back in the Adaptive Marketing Program!
PPS- This opportunity is only available for a limited time until Tuesday, June 25th so don’t wait!
PPPS - I wanted to leave you with this quote from one of our members for your inspiration. She did 3 launches in 2023 and hit over 1 million within a 12 month period with the help of our programs and we’re incredibly inspired by her.