From flittering to laser focus.
How to grow a fulfilling, profitable business with strategic guidance and the support of an expert team

"Without Melissa and Paul's guidance, I couldn't move this quickly in my business. I was focusing on too much, confusing my audience and myself. They helped me focus on one thing, creating growth in my business. And then the team helped me dial it in."
Katrina Oakley, Certified postpartum corrective exercise specialist
I've been fortunate in my business that I managed to build my following without any Facebook ads or any major money going out. I was very honored that people came and followed. I gave enough information that they trusted me and liked me. They felt like it was a safe community and brought their friends. Then, because there was a lot of interaction, more people came. I was very privileged in that way.

"I was at a point where I had a great following, but I wasn't converting. So whilst I was making a livable income, based on my following compared to my sales, there was obviously a miss. There should've been a bigger conversion."
"I was at a point where I had a great following, but I wasn't converting. So whilst I was making a livable income, based on my following compared to my sales, there was obviously a miss. There should've been a bigger conversion."

I thought maybe my copy wasn't right or my email sequence must not be right. I had all of these ideas in my head, and I ended up jumping from one to another. I was like, "Oh, I'll try and do a challenge. Maybe that will bring somebody in. Maybe I'll go on Instagram. I saw that great idea over there; I'll try that. Or somebody said that you should try this, so I'm going to try it". I was making ends meet but flittering from one thing to another.
I also wanted to automate some of this because I'm one person. And when you have a Facebook group of 46,000 and an email list, that's huge. I felt like if I took a day off, I wouldn't be able to get any sales. You always got people asking and wanting support, and I wanted to be still able to give that support but automate some of that back-end stuff to convert. So that I could be the front end, but the conversion still happened without me.
That was why I wanted to join.
"I chose Melissa and Paul's mastermind because when I researched masterminds, in many, you just met with a group of people and brainstormed once a month for ideas. But I wasn't lacking ideas; I was lacking focus."
"I chose Melissa and Paul's mastermind because when I researched masterminds, in many, you just met with a group of people and brainstormed once a month for ideas. But I wasn't lacking ideas; I was lacking focus."
What intrigued me about Paul and Melissa is that they are fantastic with business strategy, and knowing what I should focus on, then their team members could help me actually do it. Literally, guide me step by step and bless their hearts, I'm sure I drive them insane, but they have been the best people, just amazing.

"Adaptive was definitely the best choice for me. Ever."
What's your strategy to utilize all the resources available to you in Adaptive?
I try to go to Paul's call every Monday. I use the call to give an update and state the steps I plan to take that week. That's my accountability, and I get feedback on what I want to do. So that's really amazing.
Then, depending on my focus, I would also go to that expert team member's call every week. When I focused on my sales page, I would bring it to the copywriter's call every week. If we had time, we would do the headline, and if there were more time, we would do the headline and the first paragraph. They helped me through every little bit on my sales pages.
I've had Melissa work through all my email sequences and tell me what I missed. I was missing the emotional side. I'm a go-getter and a very practical person. Melissa said, "That's great; you've told them exactly what they will get. But you've not told them why that will be helpful for them. And you haven't shared the story and the joy of their transformation." So the copywriters helped me learn how to write about joy and transformation so that story comes to life.
Without Melissa and Paul's guidance, I couldn't move this quickly in my business. I was focusing on too much, confusing my audience and myself. They helped me focus on one thing, creating growth in my business. And then the team helped me dial it in.

What results are you seeing from your new focus and the changes you've implemented?
I've done a great deal on my eight-week progression; it has always been my number one program, and everything comes from it. But getting people from the eight-week program into my Circle of Confidence membership has always been a tough sell because my moms want a one-off payment, not an ongoing fee.
I've done a great deal on my eight-week progression; it has always been my number one program, and everything comes from it. But getting people from the eight-week program into my Circle of Confidence membership has always been a tough sell because my moms want a one-off payment, not an ongoing fee.
Price increase
Paul and Melissa suggested that instead of selling a program and giving a bonus (free) challenge, which I've always done, I could sell the program and increase the price to include two months in my membership. So they got eight weeks of support, which I was paid for, versus a free eight-week challenge.
In my latest program launch, I got 69 people in at the $177 price point after a five-day challenge without any Facebook ads, which was huge for me. Previously I sold the program at $97 with a free eight-week challenge to about the same number of people.
Higher conversion rate
Then, about 40% of those ladies also stayed on in the Circle of Confidence membership because they wanted to keep going with that ongoing support. So that was a significant shift. My membership is at about 250, which has increased from about 210. That was significant for me because I wouldn't have had that number if I sold the Circle of Confidence on its own.

Additional paid offer
I also got another 40 people who purchased the program without the support as a down-sell. Previously, I wouldn't have even thought of doing a down-sell. So that whole launch was a great success for me.
Created an evergreen revenue stream
Now, I've made that evergreen on my sales page so that you can buy the program with no support, you can buy the program with eight weeks of support, or you can buy the program with six months of support at a different price point. And because it's not an ongoing payment, it's a good starting point for my moms.
What do you find most valuable about the expert support?
"Everybody's amazing. Like, there hasn't been any team member that hasn't been amazing, understanding and willing to learn about my niche."
"Everybody's amazing. Like, there hasn't been any team member that hasn't been amazing, understanding and willing to learn about my niche."
They can still help me explain the issues that my ladies are going through and then turn those words into copy that will resonate with my audience.
"The team listen, they understand, and they're amazing. I would feel lost in my business without Paul, Melissa, and the team."
I feel like I've got a safety net, like, "You're going too far out that way; come back in." Then if I have a problem, I know somebody will know the answer, and if they don't, they know how to find the answer.
"That's a unique, amazing resource to have so many experts in one place."